Art & Value

I. Art creates Value


Works of art can touch you emotionally and stimulate you intellectually, beautify your home and increase the intensity of your life. Good art stimulates and enriches you in many ways, including financially. It protects against inflation and enables valuable asset accumulation that will also bring joy to future generations.


II. Art as experience



Art gives you wonderful experiences. Try to look at a work of art from different perspectives so that you can experience it intensively.

Aber was machte ein Kunstwerk für sich wertvoll?
Thomas Rusche

If you like a work of art the first time you see it, see if it impresses you the second time. When you look at it repeatedly, you should not only like the work, it should also surprise you. Don’t buy a work of art that bores you the second time you meet it because it’s too pleasing and not enough enigmatic. Think about choosing a partner: you should not only like the people you want to go through life with, you should also always make you curious about >more<. Be on the lookout for artwork that can become a favorite.


Art is a good concentration exercise. The better you can concentrate, the greater the emotional enjoyment of art. Art prepares you for the abundance of beauty in our lives. If a work of art doesn’t touch you inside, you will hardly be happy with it. Because without emotional charisma, it has no chance of becoming your favorite piece. Therefore, examine the aesthetic quality of an art object and ask yourself why it overwhelms you emotionally or not.

Intellectually Understand art also as an object of your thinking; engage with her intellectually. Does the work challenge your mind? Does it stimulate your thinking and enhance your ability for creative problem solving and life mastery? Try to start a conversation with the artwork. Does it speak to you, or does it remain silent?


Despite concentrated observation, you will not be able to fathom all the depths of a work of art. This experience of the approximate when interpreting works of art may help you if you can’t get to the bottom of everything in life either. Just as we ultimately remain a secret to ourselves, a work of art qualifies precisely when it cannot be interpreted like an open book.


If you focus on good art, it can also be financially rewarding. As an established asset class alongside equities, bonds, company holdings and real estate, it serves to spread risk and optimize performance. Art offers you protection against creeping or galloping inflation. As a stock on the wall, you receive a permanent aesthetic dividend. Art is mobile, you can take it with you wherever you want on your life journey. It can be used ubiquitously and is fungible at any time. Art as a store of value offers numerous tax advantages, especially when transferring assets to future generations and when selling collections.


