Thomas Rusche

Born into a family that has been collecting art for generations, my life has been filled with art since I was a child. Since then, art fairs, exhibitions and auctions in Cologne, Paris, London, Amsterdam and New York have fascinated me at least as much as nightclubs and soccer fields.


Growing up in the tranquil Münsterland, I am always drawn to my favorite city of Berlin, where I have been expanding the family collection of Old Masters since the turn of the millennium to include a collection of contemporary art with over 4000 works of art.


To date I have been able to acquire, broker and sell more than 10,000 works of art and antiques. I have moderated and curated over 200 art events and exhibitions worldwide. As editor, author and initiator, I am involved in over 100 publications on art and culture.


Thomas Rusche obtained his Magister Artium from Freie Universität in 1992 and received his Dr.phil there in 2002. PhD. Since his habilitation in philosophy, he has been teaching as a private lecturer at the University of Siegen, WHU Vallendar and the Munich School of Philosophy.


The philosophical discipline of aesthetics is a foundation of art theory. His scientific interest focuses on the criteria of good art and the effects of art on people.


In 1986 he completed his economics studies as a Dipl.-Volkswirt/CH and received his doctorate in 1991 at the University of Friborg for Dr.rer.pol. He is dedicated to the macro- and micro-economic factors influencing price formation on art markets and the value development of works of art.


From 1984 to 2021, Thomas Rusche worked as an independent entrepreneur in the family’s textile company. From collection creation to marketing, he has highlighted the importance of art in fashion and coined the concept of an art-inspired clothing culture.


Since 1979 he has headed the Rusche Art-Collection Oelde/Berlin, whose works have already been shown in over 100 exhibition institutions worldwide, including the National Gallery, Athens, Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, Museum of Contemporary Art, Den Haag, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden, and Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem, Hanover State Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, Leipzig, Lucerne Art Museum, Mannheim Art Gallery, House of Art, Munich, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Museum of Art, North Carolina, German National Museum, Nuremberg, Thun Art Museum, Von der Heydt -Museum, Wuppertal and many more m.


Thomas Rusche advises private art collectors and corporate collections. He has an international network of art historians, artists and curators and successfully conducts large-scale transactions with auction houses, galleries, museums and art studios.

It hits me like a bolt of lightning when I’m standing in front of a good picture.”
Thomas Rusche

His experience includes decorating over 100 homes, corporate buildings, and collection spaces;

  • Interior Design, Lichtgestaltung, Alarm- und Sicherheitstechnik
  • Konzeption von Kunstausstellungen, Kooperation mit Museen, Kunsthallen und Kunstvereinen; über 5000 Leihgaben weltweit; Organisation Logistik und Versicherung
  • Mehr als 500 Beiträge zur Kunst und Kultur in Rundfunk, Fernsehen, Fachzeitschriften, Zeitungen, Podcast, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.
  • Konzeption und Organisation eines Forschungsprojekts zur Niederländischen Malerei des 17.Jahrhunderts. In Kooperation mit der Universität Bonn, Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische
  • Documentatie (RKD), Den Haag und Zentrum für Niederlande-Studien der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster werden ca. 500 barocke Altmeistergemälde untersucht, katalogisiert, publiziert
  • (1995: Portraits, 1996: Genre, 2001: Landschaften, 2004: Stilleben und Tierstücke, 2010: Historien und Allegorien) und in über 20 musealen Ausstellungen präsentiert, u. a. im Angermuseum Erfurt,
  • Anhaltischen Gemäldegalerie Dessau, Museum Orangerie Gera. Die Best-of- Ausstellung „At Home in the Golden Age“ findet 2008 in der Kunsthal Rotterdam statt und wird zweisprachig publiziert.


